Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cocktails for Reading at Touchstone Gallery - an Ethiopia Reads event

Bernos.org, in collaboration with Ethiopia Reads and Tsehai Publishers, is proud to host 'Cocktails for Reading' – an event that is in between a cocktail party and networking event among authors, publishers, readers and organizations involved with reading in Ethiopia and the Ethiopian diaspora community.

Our keynote speakers will be Yohannes Gebregeorgis, co-founder of Ethiopia Reads and recent CNN Hero, and Elias Wondimu, founder of Tsehai Publishers and Ambassador for Peace.

The Event will be held on:

October 11, 2008 beginning at 5:30 PM

Touchstone Gallery

406 7th Street NW – 2nd Floor

Washington, DC 20004

For more information, please contact Tsilat Petros with Ethiopia Reads at tsilat@ethiopiareads.org.

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